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          Haris Sohail Cricketer, Batting, father, wife, family, age, height and so

          Haris Sohail is an international professional Pakistan National team player. He played the first test cricket of his life on 28 September 2017 against Sri Lanka and last test match has played 3 December 2018 with New Zealand.

          And his test team caps no 229.

          Besides, his first One Day International cricket played on 19 July 2013 with West Indies as a beginner and cap number 192.

          Actually, anyone can get Sohail’s batting and bowling average, height, age, personal career, weight in kg, girlfriends, wife name and also.

          Kamran akmal age

        1. Kamran akmal age
        2. Umar akmal net worth
        3. Where is umar akmal now
        4. Pakistan world cup win 1992
        5. Umar akmal last match
        6. In truth, he is an all-rounder of the Pakistan cricket team

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          Sohail’s age and height

          He was born on 9 January 1989. Recently, his age is 30 years old.

          His height is 5 feet 11 inches estimated height.

          Haris Sohail Cricketer of career

          Real name: Haris Sohail

          Nickname: Sohail

          His playing teams: Zarai Taragiati Bank Limited, Sialkot Stalli