How did sa'ad bin abi waqqas died

          Sa'd ibn abi waqqas children

          Sa'ad bin abi waqqas story!

          Mughira ibn Shu'ba

          or Mugheera ibn Shu'ba (Arabic: المغيرة بن شعبة بن أبي عامر بن مسعود الثقفي‎) was one of the more prominent companions of Muhammad.


          1 Biography

          1.1 Family

          1.2 Muqawqis

          2 See also

          3 External links



          . Family

          He belonged to the tribe of Thaqif of Ta'if.

          . Muqawqis

          Mughira had a dialogue with both Muqawqis, Vicegerent of Egypt and Caesar.

          Mughira was impressed by the dialogue with Muqawqis.

          Sa'ad bin abi waqqas death

        1. Sa'd ibn abi waqqas grandchildren
        2. Sa'ad bin abi waqqas story
        3. Hazrat saad bin abi waqqas tomb location
        4. Sa'ad bin abi waqqas pdf
        5. On his return from , he happened to meet a Christian scholar, from whom he enquired if he awaited a prophet, and if so, what qualities of his were mentioned in Torah and Bible? The Christian scholar informed him in detail that indeed they awaited a Prophet, and he would be the last Prophet.

          Messiah preached to them that wh