Miguel febres cordero biography of george michael
An Emerald of Ecuador: Saint Miguel Febres Cordero A La Salle Brother of the Christian Schools....
(died A.D.)
Miguel is a Spanish name meaning “Who is like God?” Cordero is a Spanish word for “Lamb.”
Do you have a long name?
Probably not as long as this saint, Francesco Luis Febres-Cordero y Muñoz. He had a long name but took a short one when he began religious life.
Brother Miguel was a gifted teacher from the start and a diligent student.
And that short name is how he is known today. Brother Miguel.
On November 7, , Francesco Luis was born in Ecuador in South America. His feet had a deformity which made him unable to stand or walk. When he was five years old, the Blessed Mother appeared to him and cured him.
When he was eight, a bull attempted to gore him, but he claimed to be saved by the Blessed Mother. His own mother, who educated him until her death when he was nine years old, was replaced by a stepmother who took her place.
That same year he was enrolled in a school run by t