Salvador dali biography powerpoints

          Salvador Dali was born on may 11, his parents were supportive First public exhibition in his mother died in Surrealism Created by poet Andre.

          Salvador dali google slides template...

          Salvador Dali

          Salvador Dali strove to shock people, not only through his art, but with his actions and his words as well. He was a Surrealist in all aspects of his life, so much so that the other members of the Surrealist movement eventually tried to separate themselves from Dali.

          Born in Catalonia, Spain in 1904, Salvador Dali showed artistic talent early.

          His father was very strict but his mother was much gentler and encouraged him to explore his interest in art.

          Salvador dali powerpoint

        1. Salvador dali powerpoint
        2. Teach your students about surrealist artist Salvador Dalí.
        3. Salvador dali google slides template
        4. Salvador Dali was a Spanish painter, sculptor, filmmaker and photographer born in in Figueres, Spain.
        5. Salvador Dali was born on this date to Salvador Dali Cusi and his wife Felipa Domenech Ferres.
        6. In 1916 he began drawing classes. Then, in 1922, Dali went to Madrid to study at the Academia de San Fernando.

          While at school, Dali painted in the Cubist style and experimented briefly with Dada. It was also during this time that he developed the first of his many strange styles of dress: He grew his hair long and wore sideburns and he dressed in suit coats, stockings, and short pants that stopped at the knee.

          After nearly four years of school, his ego had grown so large that he decided he was too good for any of the