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Rupesh kumar kannada actor native place...
Roopesh Kumar
Roopesh Kumar was a well-known character actor famous in the Bollywood film industry from He was mainly known for his negative roles as a villain, and has performed in more than Bollywood , the leading star female actress of s is the cousin of the great actor.
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He has also played a role of a comic artist in numerous moveis, but he will always be remembered for his amazingly played roles as a villain. His original name is Abbas Farashahi. He was born on 16th January in Mumbai.
He was the eldest son of Ali Asgar Farashahi and Mariam who was popularly known as the Asgar Seth of Pune City.
Roopesh completed his schooling from Dastur School in Pune. He was also known as Dadash, which meant brother in the Persian language. Though his family was in the bakery and restaurant business in Pune but he was ambitious become an actor from childhood, The most famous role as a villain was in his blockbuster film ‘Seetha Aur Geetha.’
His first movie was ‘Tarzan and King Kong’