Aryabhatta full name
Who invented zero aryabhatta or brahmagupta...
Who invented zero wikipedia
How did Aryabhatta invent zero? How did he get this idea? Why did he give zero an oval shape?
Aryabhata was one of the major Mathematician-Astronomers belonging to the classical age of Indian Astronomy and Mathematics.
Born in Pataliputra,Magadha, he is regarded as one of the greatest Mathematician of all time. His famous works include the ‘Aryabhatiya’ whose Mathematical parts consists of topics on algebra, trigonometry and arithmetic, continued fractions, sum of power series, quadratic equations and sine tables.
One of his discoveries is the approximation of pi which is given by him in Aryabhatia,
“Add four to 100, multiply by eight, and then add 62,000.
By this rule the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 20,000 can be approached.”
The calculation is obtained as 3.1416 which is close to the actual value of \(\pi\)(3.14159).
Before going to Aryabhata’s invention of zero lets know a little bit about the Indian History of number zero.
Acharya Pingala, a Sanskrit sch