Margaret sanger death
Margaret sanger children...
Margaret sanger timeline
Margaret Sanger was born
- Margaret sanger was born in Corning New York September 14th 1883.
- her mom has seven other children that died during childhood
- Margaret started collage at Claverack in New York to become a nurse
- Margaret Sanger married William Sanger
- Moved to Saranac New York for health reasons
- She was observed that the powerful laws in America denied perventing mothers the knowledge to properly space there familes out
- Emma Goldman inspired Margaret to go into the birth control movement
- As soon as her children were old enough to go to school she went back to school to become a public health nurse in the slums of New york
- she took care of a little 28 year old slight Russian woman.
she living in a rundown apartment in New york. her husband came home one day to find there three children crying with his unconscious wife in the other room. she died because she tried to give her self a abor