Lilla watson biography

          Lilla watson quote...

          Lilla watson books

          Women's History Network

          I was born in spring in 1940, given my mother’s name ‘Lilla’. My grandmother died before we met, but I know her through my mother. As a small child I grew up secure in my family.

          I knew my father, I knew my mother, I knew my sisters and brothers.

          Lilla watson art

        1. Lilla watson art
        2. Lilla watson if you have come
        3. Lilla watson quote
        4. Lilla watson books
        5. Your liberation is bound up with mine meaning
        6. It wasn’t until I began school that I was brought to a rude awakening. There was a black world and a white world. In the black world I was safe;  in the white world I was unsafe.

          It was obvious to me from my first school days that white people were unpredictable.

          This understanding of unpredictability came when my big sister took me to school for the first time and introduced me to her girlfriend’s little sister (who was starting school that day too). I thought I had made a friend for life.

          However that was not to be. Most white kids I met at school did not or would not play with me.

          Lilla watson liberation quote meaning

          Sometimes (rarely) they did. This is where the unpredictability came in. I was never sure when o