Biographical novel

          Fictional biography movies!

          Biographical novel

          Novel containing a fictional account of a person's life

          The biographical novel is a genre of novel which provides a fictional account of a contemporary or historical person's life.

          What is a fictional biography called

        1. Fictional biography examples
        2. Fictional biography movies
        3. Fictional autobiography
        4. Biographical fiction genre
        5. Like other forms of biographical fiction, details are often trimmed or reimagined to meet the artistic needs of the fictional genre, the novel. These reimagined biographies are sometimes called semi-biographical novels, to distinguish the relative historicity of the work from other biographical novels

          The genre rose to prominence in the 1930s with best-selling works by authors such as Robert Graves, Thomas Mann, Irving Stone and Lion Feuchtwanger.

          These books became best-sellers, but the genre was dismissed by literary critics. In later years it became more accepted and has become both a popular and critically accepted genre.[1]

          Some biographical novels bearing only superficial resemblance to the historical novels or introducing elements of other genres that superse