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Why did ross martin leave wild wild west...
n both culture and location, Grodek, Poland in 1920 was about as far away from Hollywood as imaginable, yet it was here that one of our finest actors was born to parents Isak and Sara Rosenblatt in March of that year.
Seeking the opportunity America offered, the family soon migrated to the lower East Side of New York.
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It was these tough, east side tenements, crowded with European immigrants and a myriad of cultures and languages, which formed the young Ross Martin into a talented thespian, singer, dancer, physical comedian, concert violinist, make-up artist, and easily one of the best dialecticians of this century.
ommunication amongst the immigrant population of the lower East Side rarely included English. As a young child, Russian, Polish and Yiddish were spoken in the Rosenblatt home.
Outside, Ross's childhood playmates spoke Italian. Thus Ross was essential