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          Layla’s Story

          Joining our January meeting via Webex from Houston’s MD Anderson Cancer Center, Foundation Outreach Chair Delaine Mathieu shared her personal mission and inspiration for 2024: her daughter Layla’s battle with leukemia.

          What started as a doctor’s visit for shoulder pain and inflamed lymph nodes became something life-changing for 19-year-old Layla Shafie and her mother Delaine.

          Layla was diagnosed in January 2023 with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, a cancer that progresses rapidly and affects mainly children.

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        5. The diagnosis was just the first in a series of shocks for the family.

          As her treatment began, Layla’s platelet levels were at an all-time low, and her white blood cell count had spiked. Doctors had to aggressively fight the cancer with some of the strongest chemotherapy available, termed “the red devil” by medical staff.

          The chemotherapy kills both good and bad cells, and is so intense,  it is known to send people to the ICU.

          “She looked drained. Like as pale