Yorick van wageningen birthday

          Check out Yorick van Wageningen's movies list, family details, net worth, age, height, filmography, biography, upcoming movies, photos, awards, songs..

          Yorick van Wageningen

          Dutch actor

          In this Dutch name, the surname is van Wageningen, not Wageningen.

          Yorick van Wageningen (born 16 April 1964) is a Dutch actor who has performed in Dutch and American films, including The Chronicles of Riddick and the 2011 remake of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

          Life and career

          Van Wageningen was born in Baarn.

          Fame Meter (1/) Has their own Wikipedia Page.

        1. Fame Meter (1/) Has their own Wikipedia Page.
        2. Yorick van Wageningen is a Dutch actor who has performed in Dutch and American films, including The Chronicles of Riddick and the remake of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.
        3. Check out Yorick van Wageningen's movies list, family details, net worth, age, height, filmography, biography, upcoming movies, photos, awards, songs.
        4. Biography of Yorick van Wageningen (excerpt).
        5. Yorick van Wageningen - Astrology Birth Chart, Horoscope.
        6. After acting in several Dutch plays, movies, and television series, van Wageningen was asked to come to Hollywood to appear in Steven Spielberg's Minority Report. Due to problems with his visa, he was unable to work on that movie, but thereafter acted in a number of American movies, achieving a breakthrough with his role in The Chronicles of Riddick.

          Back in the Netherlands, he starred in Winter in Wartime, based on a Dutch novel about World War II.

          In 2011, he appeared in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo along with Daniel Craig, in the role of Nils Bjurman, the sexually abusive guardian of Lisbeth Salander