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Eiyad al-kutubi...
Shaykh Murabit Al Hajj
Shaykh Murabit al-Hajj is a master of the sciences of Islam, but perhaps more wondrous than that, he has mastered his own soul. His discipline is almost angelic, and his presence is so majestic and ethereal that the one in it experiences a palpable stillness in the soul.
Shaykh Murabit al Hajj’s birth name is Sidi Muhammad bin Salek bin Fahfu.
Al zaytouna university
He is from the Massumi clan who trace their lineage back to the Himyar clan of Yemen. He is a descendant of a long line of scholars and is renowned throughout Mauritania for his knowledge and piety.
After studying at the school of his father, he decided to perform the Hajj pilgrimage and at the age of nineteen, set out to Makkah from Mauritania for a trip that would total three years.
He traveled by foot crossing Mali, Niger, Chad, and the Sudan and then by boat to Yemen where he then made his way to Makkah, spending time along the way teaching in many areas. He was offered a position of teaching in Mecca and although